Premier Meeting and Training Facility

World-class Bioskills Lab, Simulation Center and Auditorium 

Holding an off-site meeting? Looking for an auditorium for a special occasion? Providing hands-on medical or device training or demonstration? The Institute for Training and Technology is your ideal space for many meeting and training needs.

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Why Choose the Institute of Training and Technology?

When you choose the IT&T, you’re selecting more than a unique venue. You’re choosing a professional team with expertise to make your event the best it can be. Our associates will work with you to coordinate every detail that your event requires— including laboratory setup, tissue acquisition, and technical staffing. Or, if you prefer, we’ll work with your in-house team to ensure a successful event.

Convenient Location

The IT&T is centrally located in Chicago’s Downers Grove suburb (just off I-88 and I-355), offering convenient access to both O’Hare and Midway Airports. Close to restaurants and shops, onsite catering options are also available, with outdoor dining set against serene woodlands settings.

State-of-the-art Bioskills Lab & Simulation Center

Unique 2,800-square-foot customizable bioskills laboratory for hands-on learning in endoscopy , surgery and other medical specialties, as well as new product and device demonstrations.

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Cutting-edge Conference Center

Advanced audiovisual and connection technologies to support meeting rooms of different sizes.

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State-of-the-art, Customizable Bioskills Lab


The heart of the IT&T is its advanced 2,800-square-foot bioskills laboratory containing up to 16 stations that can be customized to meet your unique requirements.

The IT&T is designed to meet the needs of medical professionals, health technology manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and other organizations that require a cutting-edge, commercially-neutral learning facility.


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Liquid Suction

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Technologically Advanced Conference Center

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The ASGE Institute for Training & Technology (IT&T) offers a convenient, sophisticated venue for educational conferences and business meetings.

Within the IT&T, advanced audiovisual and information technologies allow real-time collaboration and idea exchange. Live, two-way broadcasting capability via Internet 2 or satellite* can create a virtual worldwide learning environment, or use the IT&T’s real-time recording and rapid duplication capabilities to preserve your event for later distribution.

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For formal presentations, the tiered auditorium seats more than 100 and is equipped with a state-of-the-art audience response system to maximize interactivity and real-time benchmarking among peers. In addition, advanced technology allows for connectivity to the bio-skills lab, the conference center or throughout the world. Guests enjoy personal power outlets at every seat for charging phone, laptops and other devices.

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Terrace and Reception Areas

  • 3,700-square-foot outdoor terrace overlooking a lake that includes a fire feature, landscaped setting, benches, a sound system, and outdoor heaters for year-round use.
  • Beautiful, spacious indoor lounge with two-story windows for lake and woodland view.
  • Accommodates formal or casual networking.

Board Room

Meeting Rooms

Multifunctional in design, the IT&T’s conference center can be configured as classrooms, banquet areas, or meeting rooms, based on your requirements. The conference center offers a large divisible room, perfect for simultaneous didactic sessions, break-out discussions, all-attendee sessions or even for serving lunch. In addition, the boardroom provides a more private setting for smaller meetings or web conferencing.