Clinical Education


ASGE's Clinical Education offerings provide comprehensive training and resources for healthcare professionals to enhance their skills and stay updated on the latest advancements in gastroenterology.


GESAP is ASGE’s premier self-assessment program designed to increase your knowledge and decision-making skills in 13 specific areas of diagnostic and therapeutic gastroenterology and endoscopy.

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STAR Certificate Program

ASGE’s Skills, Training, Assessment and Reinforcement (STAR) program features a blended learning format. An online evidence-based curriculum with a live course, hands-on training and performance assessment provide an interactive and collaborative education experience.

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Diagnostic EUS Training

A competency-based approach to incorporating EUS into your practice. The program’s online and hands-on curriculum covers the full spectrum of diagnostic EUS and FNA/FNB.

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Learn from the masters in EUS, ERCP, Esophageal and Colonoscopy. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to get a deep dive into these topics which impact your everyday clinical practices.


ASGE-JGES Masters Course in POEM and Third Space Endoscopy

ASGE and JGES offer an inaugural POEM immersion course for advanced GI endoscopists and surgeons. The course covers submucosal endoscopy techniques, Achalasia diagnosis, indications, potential issues, and outcomes.