Industry Training

ARIA Industry Partners


The ASGE’s Recognized Industry Associate (ARIA) seal is a prestigious recognition of an industry sales and marketing professional's exposure and learning in the field of gastroenterology. It is a sign to physicians that the individual has completed an intensive program with hands-on learning experience and unparalleled access to the same comprehensive and nonbiased educational content as healthcare providers. ARIA is an innovative training program designed to take your team’s clinical knowledge to the next level, supporting positive patient outcomes. The ASGE ARIA courses are designed to optimize the learning experience for your team members.

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With increased pressure on the caliber of industry interactions with healthcare professionals, your team must now deliver messages in ways that better speak to the audiences' needs.  This requires a deeper understanding of both the disease area and healthcare in general, and the adoption of a collaborative approach.

By learning from and working side-by-side with world-class faculty in GI endoscopy through a combination of didactic instruction, practical experience and hands-on training in ASGE’s bioskills lab, your team will gain the confidence to  provide more meaningful engagement with ASGE members and other digestive healthcare professionals.

Participants who successfully complete the course and its objectives are awarded an ASGE Certificate of Completion, professional use of the ARIA seal , and a number of other prestigious recognition benefits and marketing tools. Attendees are also provided with post-course access to their educational experience through the ASGE’s on-demand online learning platform, GI Leap.

Impact of ARIA Industry Training

ASGE conducts a pre- and post-test for all participants to objectively measure the knowledge gain of attendees. Results are shared with the participants and their respective organizations. From its inception, the results show a significant increase in participants’ basic GI knowledge. Avg score – pre-test: 60% Avg score – post-test: 93%. The ASGE is now also performing impact assessments of ARIA by surveying attendees eight weeks post-course to determine their sense of how the experience has improved their job satisfaction.

For more information about ARIA, please contact Michelle Thomas at

View list of past faculty

Open Basic ARIA Program


Through a live course developed for GI sales and marketing professionals, and created by leading GI experts, the ASGE Basic ARIA program creates a common language and a shared understanding for improved communication and more successful dialogue between clinicians and industry representatives. The Open Course is available to all industry partners and each course typically has a cohort of 40 to 50 attendees representing many different companies. The Open Course provides an overview of basic GI Anatomy and physiology, including commonly encountered GI diseases and their endoscopic findings. Attendees will learn through interactive panel discussions and a hands-on experience that introduces basic endoscopic techniques. 

This course offers a variety of critical presentations and one-on-one time with our nationally recognized faculty. Participants who successfully complete the ARIA course are recognized with the ASGE “ARIA Seal,” an ASGE Certificate of Completion, and receive a number of other prestigious recognition benefits and marketing tools.

Upcoming Open ARIA Program

Advanced ARIA Program


The Advanced ARIA Program is an educational program providing participants an opportunity to hear from leaders in the field of gastroenterology about how changes in healthcare policy and insurance reform will affect patients, practitioners and industry partners. Advanced ARIA highlights significant industry accomplishments while looking ahead to identify innovations and strategies to help improve patient care and job satisfaction in the future. This program offers of variety of tasks, panel discussions, small group sessions and one-on-one time with our nationally recognized faculty.

Customized Training Opportunities


Industry partners are increasingly looking to customized ARIA courses as a critical channel to train their entire salesforce. These courses are typically two days and offer both an overview of digestive diseases and content focused on the disease state relevant to the company’s marketing. These events result in high-level interactions with faculty selected to optimize the learning environment and provide a wonderful team-building opportunity for employees. ASGE works with the industry partner educational leadership to design a course that meets their needs.  Examples of custom course content include:

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

a. Overview of IBD and extraintestinal manifestations 
b. IBD-diagnosis 
c. Medical therapies for IBD 
d. Surgical management of IBD


Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

a.  Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of GERD
b.  GERD: Diagnosis 
c.  GERD: Medical, endoscopic and surgical management 
d.  Barrett's esophagus and Esophageal Cancer: Epidemiology, diagnosis and management 


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

a.  Pathophysiology of IBS
b.  IBS Subtypes: Diagnosis 
c.  IBS: Dietary and pharmacologic therapies


Colorectal Cancer Screening

a.  Natural history of colorectal polyps and cancer
b.  Colorectal cancer screening strategies  c. Optimizing quality in colorectal cancer screening
d.  Novel screening tests 
e.  Colorectal polyps diagnosis and management 


Eosinophilic Esophagitis

a.  Pathophysiology and Epidemiology of EoE
b.  EoE: Diagnosis and pathologic findings 
c.  EoE: Treatment and endoscopic management 


Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

a.  Pathophysiology of EPI
b.  EPI: Causes and differential diagnosis 
c.  EPI: Optimal management strategies


Helicobacter pylori

a.  Pathophysiology of H.pylori
b.  Emerging resistance trends of H. pylori
c.  H.pylori disease states and optimal treatment protocols

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

a.  NAFLD pathophysiology and natural history
b.  Diagnosis and staging of NAFLD 
c.  NAFLD: Current and emerging medical therapies

Pancreaticobiliary Endoscopy 101

a.  The Bile Duct: Stones, strictures, tumors and other obstructing lesions 
b.  Don't mess with the pancreas: Understanding acute and chronic pancreatitis 
c.  Understanding ERCP and EUS: Tools of the Trade 


All training opportunities will take place at ASGE’s IT&T Center, which includes the leading-edge bioskills lab and simulation center.

ASGE Salutes Graduates of the ARIA Industry Training Course 

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The ASGE Recognized Industry Associate (ARIA) program is designed to enhance the interactions between clinicians and industry representatives. Those industry representatives who successfully complete a pre-test, a full day of intensive training, as well as a post-test, are awarded the ASGE Certificate of Completion, granted the use of the ASGE ARIA Program logo on their business cards, and receive a number of other prestigious recognition benefits marketing tools.

Congratulations to the 51 companies and over 1,000 representatives who have completed the ARIA industry training and have received their certificate of completion. ASGE is proud of your accomplishments and salutes your dedication and commitment to professionalism in the GI industry.

Click the links below for a complete listing of the ARIA graduates from these companies.