Dr. Shaukat is the Robert M. and Mary H. Glickman Professor of Gastroenterology and Medicine, and the director of GI outcomes research, program director of the KL2 Training Program and the co-director of the K to R program for the CTSI at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. She is also a staff physician at the Harbor NY VHA Medical Center. Her areas of research include screening and long-term outcomes for colorectal cancer, noninvasive colorectal cancer screening and quality indicators for colonoscopy. Dr. Shaukat spent her career development award focused on adenoma detection rate, withdrawal time and risk of post colonoscopy colon cancer.
Dr. Shaukat received the Michael Sivak Jr. Quality in Endoscopic Research Award from the ASGE in 2009 and she completed the ASGE LEAD program.
Dr. Shaukat has studied the long-term benefit of CRC screening and published her findings in a first-authored paper that was published in The New England Journal of Medicine.
Dr. Shaukat was the PI on a clinical trial to study the role of artificial intelligence in colonoscopy and blood-based colon cancer screening test. Her current work is focused on improving colon cancer screening rates among Native American, Black and other underserved populations at FQHCs.
Dr. Shaukat has been a role model and mentor to many medical students, trainees and early career faculty across the US, especially for women in gastroenterology. Her trainees, mentees and colleagues commend her for her approachability, willingness to help and strong research skills.