March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (NCRCAM), and ASGE makes it easy for members to get the word out to their communities about the importance of being screened.  

Planning to participate in a health fair or host an event at your practice during March? Check out the following resources to help bring the message of NCRCAM to life for your audience:

For free use:

  •  2019 Radio News Release (to be aired nationally during March)
    • English (featuring ASGE President Steven A. Edmundowicz, MD, FASGE)
    • Spanish (featuring ASGE Latin-American SIG Chair Hernando Gonzalez)

For purchase:

Not planning an event but still want to help?

ASGE members can spread the word about screening during NCRCAM by taking just a few minutes to do one or more of the following:  

  • Log in to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn, and look for ASGE’s special hashtag:
    #ColonoscopyIsEasier. Share your favorite images and content on your own feed or that of your practice. Encourage friends to do the same!

  • Place a link to on your website.

  • Share with your colleagues this “Ask the Expert” article about updated screening recommendations and the trend of CRC in people younger than 50:

  • Share with primary care colleagues and patients this tool for understanding when and how to be screened. 

Help ASGE, the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable and other organizations around the country to reach the goal of getting 80 percent of eligible people screened in every community!

Resources for National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month