August 9 – 12, 2023
SAGES (South African Gastroenterology Society) Congress
Pretoria, South Africa
2023 BEST of ASGE Postgraduate Course
ASGE was honored to receive an exclusive invitation to partake in the SAGES Congress, where it had the privilege of showcasing the Best of the ASGE Postgraduate Course by ASGE faculty, Drs. Dua and Chandrasekhara. ASGE’s recorded lectures from DDW 2023 not only captivated but also inspired aspiring trainees in the field. The Congress, a resounding success, witnessed over 20 enthusiastic fellows enrolling to become ASGE trainees—signifying a noteworthy milestone in expanding the ASGE's influence on the African continent.
September 7 – 9, 2023
FAAED - Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Endoscopía Digestiva
Mar del Plata, Argentina
GASTROENDO 2023 • FAAED/ASGE Joint Symposium
In early September, ASGE actively engaged in the GASTROENDO 2023 Congress hosted by Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Endoscopía Digestiva (FAAED) in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Collaborating with FAAED, ASGE curated an exclusive e-learning bundle within GI LEAP tailored to the Congress theme. As a gesture of partnership, complimentary access to this valuable resource was extended to all Congress attendees. Amrita Sethi, MD, MASGE, served as ASGE faculty, delivering a presentation on Future Directions in Endoscopic Resection Techniques: From Cold Snare to Full-thickness Resections.
September 14 – 17, 2023
ASGE and University San Martin de Porres
Lima, Peru
ASGE Lower GI EMR STAR Certificate Program in Spanish
In September, ASGE held its first international STAR program in Lima, Peru, EMR Lower GI STAR Course, in collaboration with the University of San Martin de Porres. ASGE’s Skills, Training, Assessment and Reinforcement (STAR) program features a blended learning format which includes an online evidence-based curriculum with a live course, hands-on training and performance assessment. This program, organized by three ASGE course directors, Cadman Leggett, MD, Hernando Gonzalez Quiros, MD, FASGE, and Pedro Larrea, MD, FASGE, delved into crucial aspects of lesion recognition, endoscopic resection techniques and the adept management of adverse events. Notably, this comprehensive course, conducted entirely in Spanish, was facilitated by members of the ASGE Latin American Special Interest Group, combining informative lectures with invaluable hands-on training. Gastroenterologists, hailing from diverse regions across the country, successfully attained ASGE certification in EMR, marking a significant milestone in their professional development.

October 7-11, 2023
SIED - Sociedad Interamericana de Endoscopia Digestiva
Santiago, Chile
SPED 2023 Pan American Congress • SIED / ASGE Joint Symposium
The Chilean Gastroenterology Society, in collaboration with the Interamerican Endoscopy Society (SIED), invited the ASGE to participate in the Pan American Week of Gastroenterology (SPED 2023), which took place October 8-11, 2023, in Santiago, Chile.
During the event, ASGE President Jennifer Christie, MD, FASGE, delivered a presentation on Advances in Gastroesophageal Reflux, and Jonathon Cohen, MD, MASGE, shared valuable insights on Current Endoscopic Therapy in Barrett's Esophagus. ASGE member Victoria Gomez, MD, FASGE, presented on the topic of Women in Endoscopy. ASGE had a booth at the event to showcase its member benefits and resources.
November 23–26, 2023
SOBED (Sociedade Brasileira de Endoscopia Digestiva)
Brazilian Digestive Disease Week SBAD 2023 • SOBED / ASGE Joint Symposium
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The ASGE Exhibit Booth accompanied ASGE Faculty to Rio de Janeiro for the Brazilian Digestive Disease Week, held from November 23-26. ASGE members from Brazil and throughout South America visited our booth, engaging in conversations, taking photos and exploring valuable resources offered by ASGE.
Throughout the event, the ASGE faculty played an active role in the SOBED-ASGE Joint Session, delivering insightful presentations that included:
- Jennifer Christie, MD, FASGE – ASGE President's Message (Recording)
- Mohamed Othman, MD - High-quality Esophageal Examination
- Prateek Sharma, MD, FASGE – Indication for EGD Screening and The Burden of Missed Cancers in Upper Endoscopy