Successful applicants to the ASGE Endoscopy Unit Recognition Program submit a summary of a recently conducted quality improvement (QI) project as part of the application process. The QI project in the spotlight this month looks at closing the gap on endoscopy unit staff’s general gastroenterology knowledge.
It was observed by the endoscopy nurse manager that the endoscopy unit staff lacked general gastroenterology knowledge due to previously working in other medical fields, thus the gap in quality care was staff being unknowledgeable. Project goal was to have 90% increase in staff knowledge.
Each endoscopy staff member was required to complete a pre-assessment test before any training to assess their current knowledge. Following completion of training, each employee was required to retest with a post-assessment test to evaluate their knowledge received. Target performance was each staff member obtaining a score of 90 or higher on post assessment. Data was collected by each staff member’s pre-assessment and post-assessment test score.
The diversity in staff backgrounds in other specialty fields contributed to the gap in generalized knowledge staff had with the gastroenterology field. The tool used for the project was the ASGE Introduction to GI online training course, which consists of unit reading materials, videos, and unit summary quizzes.
Current and newly hired staff will complete ASGE training. Pre- and post-assessment demonstrates improved gastroenterology knowledge among staff.
In reviewing the data, staff knowledge improved from 63% pre-assessment testing to 92% following post-assessment testing. Project goal was achieved, and project was closed. Project findings were reported to the board and QI committee during a quarterly meeting as well as endoscopy staff at a staff meeting.
We hope sharing this project summary will be useful to you and your practice. Learn more about gaining honoree status in the ASGE Endoscopy Unit Recognition Program. Questions should be directed to eurp@asge.org.