Successful applicants to the ASGE Endoscopy Unit Recognition Program (EURP) submit a summary of a recently conducted quality improvement (QI) project as part of the application process. The QI project in the spotlight this month looked at eliminating the use of hot biopsy polyps for diminutive polyps.
Project Description
Our newest improvement project was to eliminate the use of hot biopsy forceps for diminutive polyps. Over the years, the number of providers using this method has decreased; however, there were still a few using it. We had discussions with these physicians and showed them "Endoscopic Removal of Colorectal Lesions: Recommendations by the US Multi-Society Task Force on Colorectal Cancer." We encouraged them to switch from hot biopsy forceps to cold snare. From the beginning of 2022 to now, there has been no use of hot biopsy forceps polypectomies.
We hope sharing this project summary will be useful to you and your practice. Learn more about gaining honoree status in the
ASGE Endoscopy Unit Recognition Program. EURP honoree units may use the ASGE Quality Star logo in promotion of their units, receive premium educational content bimonthly via an exclusive e-newsletter,
The Huddle, and enjoy a range of additional benefits. Questions should be directed to