Frequently Asked Questions


What’s the difference between GESAP Standard and Plus?

GESAP Standard is a one-time purchase for an individual’s permanent access to a set number of questions. GESAP Plus is a subscription service where individual learners will receive a brand new bank of questions annually on June 1 each year.

Can I sign up for the GESAP Plus subscription service anytime in the year?
Yes, you can sign up anytime, with renewal taking place every June. 

Does GESAP Plus include the same questions as GESAP Standard?

The first year of GESAP Plus includes 278 questions. These 278 questions are also in GESAP Standard, but the Standard version gives you access to a total of 540 questions upfront upon purchase. The advantage of GESAP Plus subscription is that learners will receive a brand-new bank of questions annually on June 1. The team of over 100 Physicians authors is constantly reviewing/adding/deleting questions in the GESAP Plus bank whereas the 540 questions in the Standard bank will not change.

How are these 2 options different from GESAP Mentor and Alliance?

GESAP Standard and Plus are for individual learners while the Mentor option is for Training Directors managing GI education for fellows and Alliance is group purchase for institutions and group practices.

In 2025, GESAP Plus users get new questions, but is there access to the 2024 questions?

No. On June 1, 2025, the question bank from 2024 is replaced with a new question bank. This ensures you have the latest, most relevant questions given changes to guidelines, evidence-based research, therapeutics, etc.

Will a GESAP Plus subscriber only have access to the current year’s questions or can users go back to 2025 and 2024?

No same rule applies. Every year all questions will be swapped out and replaced with brand new questions. This ensures the cases that GESAP Plus subscribers have access to are the most up to date.

If you have a GESAP Plus subscription for 3 years then stop, will access to any of the question banks (eg 2024, 2025, 2026…) be cut off?

Yes, in this scenario, on May 31, 2026, access to GESAP Plus would end.

If you subscribe to GESAP Plus only for 2024, will access to the 2024 question bank be cut off on May 31, 2025 (vs GESAP Standard where access is permanent).

Correct, GESAP Standard gives you access to more questions and access never goes away. However, the content stays the same and is not updated annually as it would be when purchasing a subscription to GESAP Plus.

If I purchase GESAP Standard in 2024 and do so again in 2027, are the questions accumulated from 2024 (previous version) and/or 2025, 2026, 2027?

In 2027, GESAP Standard would reflect an updated question bank with questions deemed current, relevant, and effective for 2027. Not only are GESAP questions reviewed for accuracy and relevance, we also review them for difficulty, distractor effectiveness, discrimination index, etc… These are all measures of effective questions.

Is GESAP Standard the same as the previous versions of GESAP?

GESAP Standard is the same structure as previous versions of GESAP but the questions in this iteration of GESAP are all new. Additionally, this version of GESAP gives you more flexibility  in how you use GESAP to stay current in the GI endoscopy field. It's up to you! Do you want to see questions based on a specialty, like you did in prior versions of GESAP? Or just see questions related to recent guideline changes? Maybe you'd rather have a GESAP question pushed to your inbox 2-3 times/week? Or, you may be the type that would rather just dive right in and take a practice Board exam to see where you want to focus first? All of this is possible with GESAP Standard in addition to earning 95 CME/MOC credits.

Why are there so many options with this iteration of GESAP?

We expanded our GESAP offering to meet the needs of a wider, more diverse range of users. We understand how this may make things more confusing for those who are familiar with the previous versions of GESAP. Feel free to contact email if it would be helpful to talk through which option would best meet your needs.