GIEVideoGIE, and iGIE

GIE. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.

About GIE

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (GIE) is ASGE's monthly, peer-reviewed scientific journal and the leading international publication in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy. GIE publishes original articles on endoscopic procedures used in the study, diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases. Online access to GIE, as well as the print version mailed monthly, is a benefit of ASGE membership.


About VideoGIE

VideoGIE is ASGE's online-only, open access video journal serving patients with digestive diseases:

  • Publishes original, peer-reviewed video case reports and case series of endoscopic procedures used in the study, diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases
  • Demonstrates the use of endoscopic systems, devices and techniques
  • Reports outcomes of endoscopic interventions
  • Brings video commentaries from ASGE experts, legends, committees and leadership

VideoGIE is intended for endoscopists in training, advanced endoscopists, endoscopy staff, industry and patients.


About iGIE

iGIE is a Gold Open Access, online-only journal in GI endoscopy, including work conducted collaboratively and across disciplines. iGIE publishes endoscopic research articles, especially those that focus on technologic or procedural innovation, early investigational and translational work, and digital health, and those inclusive of an interdisciplinary approach.


Submitting and Reviewing Articles

Editorial Manager is GIE's, VideoGIE’s and iGIE's online system for processing scientific papers for publication. Using it, authors may submit manuscripts and track their progress at all stages, 24 hours a day. Reviewers can download assigned manuscripts and submit their comments and recommendations online. They can also find helpful information and resources to assist in the review process.

Conflict of Interest

Actual or potential conflicts of interest may impact all participants in the process of publication. Not identifying the actual or potential conflicts may bring actual or potential harm to patients, have embarrassing consequences for the journal, reviewers, and ASGE, and bring disrepute to the investigators and those involved in the editorial process. ASGE and GIE abide by the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.” Access GIE's Conflict of Interest Statement.